Responsible Gambling

  1. Identification of Problem Gambling:
    Our sports betting website is committed to promoting responsible gambling. We provide resources and information to help users identify and address problem gambling behavior.
  2. Self-Assessment Tests:
    We provide self-assessment tests that users can take to determine if they have a gambling problem. These tests can help users understand their gambling behavior and identify potential problems.
  3. Setting Limits:
    We allow users to set limits on their accounts to control their spending on our website. Users can set deposit limits, loss limits, and session time limits to help manage their gambling behavior.
  4. Time-Out and Self-Exclusion:
    We provide tools for users to take a break from gambling, such as a time-out option and self-exclusion option. Users can choose to take a break from gambling for a specified period of time or permanently.
  5. Support and Resources:
    We provide resources and support for users who may have a gambling problem. This includes contact information for organizations that can provide help and support for problem gambling.
  6. Underage Gambling:
    Our website does not accept bets or wagers from individuals under the legal age for gambling in the jurisdiction where they are located. We reserve the right to verify the age of any user and to limit or restrict access to our website and services for users who are under the legal age for gambling.
  7. Compliance with laws:
    It is the user's responsibility to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction, including but not limited to, the tax laws and regulations that apply to any winnings that they may receive through our website or services.
  8. Monitoring and enforcement:
    We have implemented strict policies and procedures to prevent and detect problem gambling on our website. We regularly monitor user behavior and take appropriate action when necessary to ensure compliance with our responsible gambling policies.
  9. Contact Us:
    If you have any questions or concerns about responsible gambling on our website, or if you wish to report a violation of our responsible gambling policies, please contact us at the address provided on our website.